Gain professional experience during your studies

Take a look at the operation of one of the most advanced companies in the Czech Republic. Gain work experience - valuable experience, knowledge and contacts that will help you to start your future career.

We cooperate with schools. Because it's up to students and teachers we really care about.

Are you a high school or college teacher and professor? Take a look at the many activities we are developing to bring a variety of interesting and different forms of education to students.

 You too can provide your students with interesting workshops, field trips, lectures, or perhaps financial grants for projects aimed at improving technical education. Contact us for more information.

I teach at

High Schools

Donation of teaching materials tools

We support secondary schools with projects aimed at improving technical education and donating teaching aids. These are individual car parts, the whole car, but also machinery and equipment.

Excursions and lectures

We provide lectures for our students, thus enlivening theoretical teaching and expand students' professional knowledge. Another form of support is excursions, which are conducted at both general and professional level.

Workshops and training

We organize one-day and multi-day training courses and seminars directly at Škoda Auto. They focus on training soft skills such as presentation, self-presentation, sales skills, working teamwork, feedback and more, but also on technique.


Škoda Auto has been the general partner of the project, which supports technical education and student motivation.


Thanks to the presented technologies, students can get a glimpse into the background of one of the largest automobile manufacturers in Central Europe. The lab rolled out to schools in the autumn of 2021. It will be on the road in 2023 and will visit every county across the country by the end of 2025.

Technology Olympiad

Students can prove their abilities, win up to 30,000 and get into the CTU without taking the entrance exam. It is necessary to know how to find the necessary information, use it correctly, prepare the assignment and present the results.

We currently work with a number of high schools such as:

Kvasiny region

  • SPŠ elektrotechniky a IT Dobruška
  • SOŠ a SOU Vocelova Hradec Králové
  • SŠ automobilní Holice
  • SŠ automobilní Ústí nad Orlicí
  • Technická Vysoké Mýto
  • VOŠ a SPŠ Rychnov nad Kněžnou
  • Střední škola - Podorlické vzdělávací centrum
  • SOU opravárenské Králíky
  • SPŠ elektrotechnická a VOŠ Pardubice
  • SPŠ, SOŠ a SOU, Nové Město nad Metují
  • Vyšší odborná škola a Střední škola automobilní, Zábřeh
5 rad pro absolventy

Mladá Boleslav region

  • OA, VOŠ a JŠ s právem státní jazykové zkoušky, MB
  • SPŠ Mladá Boleslav
  • SOŠ a SOU Mladá Boleslav SŠ technická a řemeslná, Nový Bydžov
  • SOŠ a SOU, Nymburk, V Kolonii 1804
  • VOŠ a SPŠ Jičín
  • Gymnázium, Mladá Boleslav, Palackého 191/1
  • Gymnázium Dr. Josef Pekaře, Mladá Boleslav
  • Gymnázium Mnichovo Hradiště, příspěvková organizace
  • Střední zdravotnická škola a Střední odborná škola, Česká Lípa, příspěvková organizace
  • SOU Hubálov
  • SOŠ a SOU dopravní Čáslav
  • Střední zdravotnická škola a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická, Mladá Boleslav
  • SPŠ strojní a elektrotechnická a VOŠ, Liberec
  • STŘEDNÍ ŠKOLA A MATEŘSKÁ ŠKOLA, Liberec, Na Bojišti 15,příspěvková organizace

Vrchlabí region

  • SŠ strojírenská a elektrotechnická, Nová Paka
  • SPŠ Trutnov
  • ISŠ Vysoké nad Jizerou
  • SPŠ technická, Jablonec nad Nisou


  • Integrovaná střední škola automobilní, Brno
  • Střední průmyslová škola dopravní, Plzeň
  • Střední průmyslová škola, Ostrov
  • Střední škola - COPT Kroměříž Střední škola automobilní
a informatiky
  • Střední škola průmyslová, technická a automobilní Jihlava
  • Střední škola technická a dopravní, Ostrava- Vítkovice
  • Střední škola technická, gastronomická a automobilní Chomutov
  • Střední průmyslová škola Třebíč
  • VOŠ a SPŠ dopravní. Praha 1
  • Soukromá střední škola výpočetní techniky, Praha Prosek
  • Vyšší odborná škola , Střední průmyslová škola automobilní
a technická ČB

Do you want to join the cooperation? Contact us

Martina Lislerová Co-operation with Secondary Schools


Science, research and innovation

We support universities with financial grants for projects aimed at improving the quality of technical education. At the same time, we invest tens of millions of crowns each year in projects related to innovation in the field of technical development and vehicle productio

Workshops and training

We organize one-day and multi-day training courses and seminars directly at Škoda Auto. They focus on training soft skills such as presentation, self-presentation, sales skills, working teamwork, feedback and more, but also on technique.

Excursions and lectures

We provide lectures for our students, thus enlivening theoretical teaching and expand students' professional knowledge. Another form of support is excursions, which are conducted at both general and professional level.

Donation of teaching aids

We support universities with projects aimed at improving technical teaching and donating teaching aids. These are individual car parts, the whole car, but also machinery and equipment.

Grant projects

Škoda Auto is one of the most important industrial companies in the Czech Republic and has long been a key player in the field of social responsibility. The company feels an extraordinary responsibility towards its employees, their families and the people living near its plants. The focus is particularly on the regions with plants in Mladá Boleslav, Kvasiny and Vrchlabí, with which the Škoda brand has a 125-year history.

Formula student

A competition where European university teams compete in custom-built racing formulae. Škoda Auto is a partner of the teams CTU CarTech from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, TU Brno Racing from the Brno University of Technology and eForce Prague Formula from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University.

We are currently working with a number of universities, such as:

Architektura a design


  • Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
  • Czech Technical University
  • Masaryk University
  • Mendel University Brno
  • Škoda Auto University
  • Technical University of Liberec
  • University of Hradec Králové
  • Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
  • Charles University
  • Palacký University Olomouc
  • University of Pardubice
  • Tomas Bata University in Zlín
  • Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the CAS
  • VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
  • Prague University of Economics and Business
  • University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  • Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
  • Brno University of Technology
  • University of West Bohemia

Do you want to join the cooperation? Contact us.

Markéta Jarošová Collaboration with universities
Martina Lislerová Co-operation with Secondary Schools
Mgr. Tereza Kozáková Event management specialist for schools